Good morning, early subscribers! Thank you for supporting us by following the newsletter even before it starts. But we have good news: the wait is over!
High Learning Rate is starting this Thursday!
With High Learning Rate, we aim to provide AI knowledge, delivered straight to your inbox. This newsletter, designed for enthusiasts and professionals alike, breaks down complex AI concepts into manageable insights across multiple learning levels. Our goal is simply to democratize AI and make it more accessible by providing multi-level explanations that are valuable to managers, professionals, and simply everyone.
Whether you're just starting out or refining your expert knowledge, each edition moves you through progressively deeper understandings of technical concepts, from basics (ELI5) to well-described technical details.
But what exactly will you share, and how?
We will explain new papers, new techniques, and new approaches, all related to AI with three levels of complexity, from beginners (ELI5), intermediate (in a conceptual way) and advanced (technical explanation). We also plan to have practical insights on why this specific concept is useful in AI and its pros and limitations.
This way, you can go through the different levels to have a better understanding of the weekly concept or just read the ELI5 explanation to have a quick learning bit. You do what you want with this one!
We intend to start this newsletter by sending a weekly iteration as this is what we’ve seen seemed preferred by our community:
With this in mind, we will see you again this coming Thursday with the first iteration explaining Attention. We hope you are as excited to read it as we share it! If you are, please help us share the newsletter with your friends :)
See you soon!
Thank you for reading this iteration, and we’ll see you in the next one to learn something new!
Made with love by Louis, François, Omar*.
Denotes equal contribution.